How do you make your marketing more sustainable?

Today’s socially conscious consumers are concerned about creating a healthier future. As a company with a mission to develop products that help improve health and nutrition, DSM is one of the leaders in sustainability. The Preston/Tully Group differentiated DSM via a marketing campaign that invited companies and consumers to partner with a sustainability leader who, like them, is committed to creating a healthier planet.


The Preston/Tully Group successfully integrated social media and digital marketing to raise awareness of DSM’s sustainability achievements. These crucial promotional  elements helped to drive traffic to a “Sustain A Healthier Future Contest” website creating buzz online and an ongoing connection between DSM and its customers.

To increase marketing momentum, the campaign tied-in with DSM’s existing blogs and partnered with a leading industry media company to create an even stronger social and online presence. When evaluating the impressive results of the marketing campaign, DSM realized that sustainability is one of their most important ingredients.

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