How do you promote a soluble ingredient as the right solution?

FMC, the world’s foremost excipient manufacturer, sought to introduce Alubra™ its new water-soluble lubricant, which offered distinct advantages over the competition. The Preston/Tully Group responded by launching an innovative marketing campaign that floated this new product successfully.


The Preston/Tully Group positioned FMC’s new Alubra™ as the water-soluble lubricant that overcomes the typical dissolution problems of the well-established pharmaceutical lubricants. The strategy stamped FMC as a major new player in this growing market.

To show pharmaceutical manufacturers the dissolution and lubrication advantages of water-soluble Alubra™, The Preston/Tully Group created a dynamic, integrated marketing campaign consisting of a new brand name, logo and tag line, print and internet advertising, and an array of sales materials. Each element of the campaign leveraged the impact of the other, generating maximum product awareness and helping FMC gain major market share in a segment previously untapped by the company.

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